I know it came out of the blue for some people (and not so much for others!),and it is going to seem so contradictory to some (but eh I don't care!).I'm writing this because this is now a huge part of our lives,so why not share it?I share pretty much everything else!
Steve and are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Clear enough?
Its kinda hard to write about because it is such an in-depth story.Once we had 'decided' to not join,I couldn't get over it.I got angry,resentful,a whole bunch of emotions that I shouldn't have been feeling!I tried to get over the pull I felt towards the church,to the faith, by telling everyone I didn't believe it,that it wasn't true.
Yeah....that worked!Not!I was still looking into things,still asking questions.But I didn't know how to ask my friends cos I didn't want to be the dork who kept asking but never doing anything about it.
One day in April,Steve and I went for a walk out at Raglan and I blurted out that I wanted to get baptised whether he did or not!Poor guy.I told him I needed to do it for me,I didn't expect him too,but I needed to see if this pull I felt was for a reason,and at the end of the day if it made me feel closer to God than surely it couldn't be wrong.We talked A LOT!Days of talking!Honestly this was a time where I was so grateful for the man I married,so grateful that God put us together.Not once did he say no or judge me,he just told me if it was really what I wanted to do then that was ok.I love that man more today then I did when I married him 8 years ago!
My friend (hi S!) gave me a copy of the Gospel Principles That book now is half covered in questions and comments.I never expected Steve to want to join,it was something I would have loved but not something I expected.But while I was reading this book he would ask me questions,some I could find answers too,some I couldn't (or rather my friends could lol).He wanted to meet with the Bishop to ask some things (think Pastor of the church,but he works a full time job as well).He said what I expected,I was ready,Steve needed to pray and think.
So he did.
A week later we text the missionaries saying we wanted to be baptised and how could we got about it.
(I make it sound so simple.It wasnt.There were far too many late nights of talking and praying together)
We did the discussions (think lessons to explain the church).The missionaries must have either loved us or hated us,we aren't baby christians,far from it.I asked God into my heart when I was 3,and Steve was only slightly older then that,and we have had a close and personal relationship with Christ since.We have been in leadership in churches-for me nearly a decade of it!Our questions were in depth. (they must have liked us though because they kept coming back just to hang out lol).
So on the 11th of May 2013 Steve and I were baptised together!!!!
For me it doesn't replace my baptism from when I was younger,it was almost like renewing my promises to God,renewing my commitment to Him,a public declaration that I believe not only in God but in this church.Im fairly safe in saying the same goes for Steve.
Mr T on the left,Steve and I. (Mr T was the one who dunked us)
Mrs T (or S as she is probably known on here!) and I.
During the service the offspring of the T's and our friend A (plus Sienna) sung "I am a child of God",was so sweet (Isabella was throwing a tanty which is why she isn't in the photo).S and A gave beautiful talks which made my cry!A,me and S after Steve and I were confirmed the Sunday after being baptised.These ladies are a huge part of the reason I joined.They showed me unconditional love and support even when I said I didnt want to join.I have very rarely had that,people being ok with my decisions regardless of what they believe or feel.So thanks beautiful ladies!!!!!
Steve and I are loving this church.The focus is so much on God and on family.I hadn't really realised just how much I had missed being a part of a church family.So I am really loving that.It isnt without its trials,I am finding it hard to trust other christians again (go find one of my old posts to find out why we stopped going to church in the first place,or just ask me!),am finding I need to readjust some bad habits and attitudes I have picked up while not being in church lol.But we love it,and we are happy.And thats the main thing right?!Personally I dont care where anyone goes to church,or whether they do at all!Its none of my business and I am hoping others can feel the same.
So...I am super duper proud of being a Mormon.It has changed my life for the better and I am HAPPY!And ya know what?I cannot wait until May next year when Steve and I can be sealed in the temple together!Bring on the party afterwards!!!
-I apologise if this post is a bit disjointed or whatever.It took me 5 hours a few weeks ago to try and articulate for a talk at church how all this came about,and for some reason its even harder for on here.Just like I told my family,if you are reading this and have any questions,please just ask,I wont bite your head off and would prefer to be asked then gossiped about lol.