Thursday, 9 June 2011

Bubbly Bubbles

I love love love love having a hot bubbly bath!!!!!Before I had kids it wasn't something I particularly indulged in...but now....its just one of those things when you slide into some hot water that makes you go 'ahhhh' .

A big thank you goes out to my wonderful husband Steve who frequently watches the two littlies so I can have a soak (when they're in bed so am I haha).

Funny how running through my mind while soaking is not a mindless hum but "Ba ba ba bubbly bubbles' gotta love the Wiggles :p

(oh and I SO want one of these tubs when we own our own home!!!)


  1. Re-reading this I'm reminded that as mums (and dads) we have to take time out just for us,not just as couples but for ourselves!What do you do that's just for you? For me at the moment it is a hot bath and a book even just for 15 minutes before the girls come in and dump rubber ducky and various other bath toys on me :)

  2. Blogging and beauty treatments (which I had 4 free visits) but that's done now so I'll have to find something else fun!

  3. ohh beauty treatments sound nice!lucky duck getting them for free :)
