Thursday, 9 August 2012

All by myself.......

It seems like this blog has become all about my exercising haha.
I cant help it I just have to share,that this time last week I was only able to do the whole run one power post,walk the next and so on and could only do it for 3 blocks.Today I RAN 4 blocks!!!So I ran one block,walked the next,ran the next then walked for a while (my lungs are itty bitty remember lol..and no no its not just an excuse,I was born 10 weeks prem and my lungs never developed fully,so that and asthma mean I have been struggling a bit to get enough oxygen in when running,but they are slowly expanding a little which is great).Then I ran 1 1/2 blocks,walked some more then ran another 1/2 block to get home!!Hoping to try tomorrow running 3 in a row...we'll see lol.But its improvement!
I have also been thinking about maybe just doing the 1/4 marathon next year instead of the 1/2 (its only km instead of km).... I'm trying to not see it as not believing in myself but rather I want to succeed at this and am wondering if committing to a 10km run would be better,but be able to aim to actually run the whole thing....I dont know.....

On another note BOTH the girls are back at kindy.Steve has a full day at uni today so I am feeling very much like belting out "All By Myself " lol but the neighbours might think I'm mad haha.

(I tried to find a photo of someone all by themselves and it just came up with some funny as animal sorry no pic this blog post!

Friday, 3 August 2012

Chicken Pox

Aaaaagh Sienna has chicken pox!!!I feel so bad,we spent the school holidays avoiding my sister and her girls because they had chicken pox and Sienna gets it anyway!Such is life lol.Isabella has an extremely mild case (like 3 spots that have already crusted over). Sienna's are really bad,like head to toe,not sleeping bad.I just want to hug her and make it go away.

I haven't been able to get out walking/jogging every day this week,which I am finding hard.I so badly wanted to get into a routine (thank you chicken pox and my oh so lovely monthly visitor).BUT we got out today,just around the block,but I ran 15 power post lengths!I decided to measure it that way,as my sister did it,and it made sense.I can run/jog.wobble one,walk one,run one,walk one and so on.It has meant that at the end of one length when I'm starting to think "dear God my legs are going to fall off" I can walk the next one and by the next one I'm ready to run again.It means I cant measure in km's how far  am going,but for now it works. (also means its not as daunting for me while I am starting off)

Getting there slowly but surely! :)    (may I add this is the first time ever that during ummm my womens time lol,that I have kept getting out and exercising...first time in 14 years!!!!)